Agri-Food Markets

Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, prices, production and aid schemes.

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food markets

Browse by Topic

Information on imports, exports, prices, production and aid schemes, organized by theme while covering all agricultural sectors. Dashboards provide an overview of the current situation in one sector.

Browse by Market Sector



Price and production reports offer a refined view into animal categories and meat quality classes.



Statistics regarding live piglets as well as different categories and qualities of pork.


Eggs and poultry

Statistics for eggs and poultry products and PDF files about the current state of the markets.


Sheep and goat meat

Detailed monthly trade data as well as a weekly PDF dashboard with the latest market info.


Milk and dairy products

Dedicated apps for prices of milk and dairy products, and a weekly sectoral PDF file.



Market data on production, price and trade for wheat, barley, maize, oats, rye and other cereals.



Market data for different rice types and stages of production (paddy, husked, semi-milled and milled).


Oilseeds and protein crops

Market data for rapeseed, soya beans, sunflower seeds, broad beans and peas.



Detailed monthly trade data as well as a weekly PDF dashboard with the latest market info.


Olive oil and table olives

Imports, exports, prices and production of olives and different qualities of oil.



Representative prices from certain Member States and information on production volumes and area.



Market data on imports, exports, average prices and production of fertilisers across the EU.


Prices - Current and historical market price data provided by EU Member States.
Production - Country-by-country information on agricultural production, including both current and historical data.
Trade - EU imports and exports.
Dashboards - Comprehensive information about each market sector, including the latest developments and comparisons with previous years.
Short-term outlook - The short-term outlook is based on reflections of market experts within the European Commission's Department for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Tariff Rate Quotas(TRQs) - Coefficients of allocation for the issuing of import or export licences calculated based on the quantities available within the TRQ and the quantity applied for, as notified to the Commission by national authorities.
Standard Import Value (SIV) - Calculated daily on working days, the SIV represents an estimate for the customs value of the goods in the context of the Entry Price System, a special procedure designed for imports of certain fruit and vegetables.
Economic reports on EU farming, based on data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).