
Market data on fertilisers in the European Markets provided by the European Commission’s agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, average prices and production.


Mineral fertilisers are classified on the basis of type and form of nutrients they contain; the major nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

Farmer's exposure to fertiliser price volatility influences application rates and may threaten to drive down production.

Fertiliser production is an energy intensive industrial processes, and natural gas is the feedstock for manufacturing nitrogen based fertilisers; moreover european industry relies on potash and phosphorus imports as natural reserves in the EU are limited.

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Mineral fertiliser prices increased in 2022 and then started to decrease as from the end of 2022. These visualisations show monthly EU-level prices evolution for 3 classes of fertilisers aggregated by nutrient; Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) from June 2019 to the present in Euro per tonne.
The European Fertiliser Industry has more than 120 production sites across Europe. Production of fertilisers in the EU is distributed geographically among Member States, so that they can quickly serve the main users (farmers). These visualisations show annual production per Member State of five groups of fertilisers and two raw materials (ammonia and phosphates) since 2013. Statistics are also available for a selected number of fertilisers products (subgroup).
Fertiliser trade Monthly import and export volumes per Member State and per external partner for five classes of fertilisers and two raw materials (ammonia and phosphates) since 2010. These visualisations are based on Eurostat's COMEXT dataset except for the most recent 2 months, which are based on Customs Surveillance data. Statistics are also available for a selected number of fertilisers products (subgroup).