Milk and dairy products

Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, prices and production.

Milk and dairy products

The EU produces approximately 150 million tonnes of raw milk each year, which makes it the world's second producer after India. Production yields per cow vary significantly depending on the farming method, but can go up to 10,000 kg annually. The EU is a major exporter of cheese and other high-value dairy products.

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Dashboards & Reports

Raw milk prices Monthly raw milk prices per Member State as well as weighted averages over the Union. Prices can be viewed over an extended period or in the form of a year-to-year comparison. The source of the most recent data are Member State notifications through the ISAMM system. The Data Explorer permits downloading raw monthly data in MS Excel format for offline processing.
Dairy prices Weekly prices of eight representative dairy products per Member State and weighted averages over the Union. Prices can be viewed over an extended period or in a year-to-year comparison. The source of the most recent data are Member State notifications through the ISAMM system. The Data Explorer permits downloading raw weekly data in MS Excel format for offline processing.
Dairy production Monthly production figures expressed in tonnes as well as number of animals, with a map and a bar chart showing distribution over Member States. A second sheet shows year-to-year variation. Data are sourced and aggregated from Eurostat system.
Dairy trade Monthly trade volumes and value since 2010 per Member State and per external partner country. Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not included. Separate charts show seasonal trends, cumulative figures over the course of a year and main external partners per Member State.
Milk and dairy products dashboard A weekly 15-page PDF file with the latest information on prices, production and trade from a wide range of international sources.
Milk and dairy short-term outlook The short-term outlook is published three times per year and is based on the latest data and the reflections of market experts within the European Commission. It includes also estimates and forecasts in addition to historical data. It covers EU milk supply and utilisation, and selected dairy products (fresh dairy products, cheese, butter, skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder and whey powder).