Eggs and poultry
Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, prices and production.
Eggs and poultry
Despite common biological origins, egg products and poultry meat are considered to be separate markets economically. In 2018 the EU produced 15 million tonnes of poultry meat, the largest producers being Poland (17%), the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and Italy. In the market for egg products, the Netherlands have to be added to the list. The EU is an important net exporter in both markets.
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Dashboards & Reports
Eggs prices
Times series of average eggs prices per farming method, per Member State and for the European Union. Evolution sheet presents prices in the full range from 1996.
The Comparison sheet allows year-to-year comparison of weeks. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.
Poultry prices
Times series of average poultry prices per Member State and for the European Union. Evolution sheet presents prices in the full range from 1991. The Comparison sheet is limited to a single year and permits the comparison of weekly average
prices to the same weeks of the previous year. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.
Monthly production figures, with a map and a bar chart showing distribution over Member States.
A second sheet shows year-to-year variation. Data are sourced and aggregated from Eurostat system.
Eggs trade
Monthly import/export figures since 2010 per external partner country. Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not taken into account. Distribution over individual Member States appears on a map of Europe.
Basic data are sourced from ESTAT's COMEXT system, which implies a typical delay of 2 months for data quality assurance and consolidation.
Poultry trade
Monthly import/export figures expressed in product weight, carcass weight equivalent and value, per Member State and per external partner country.
Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not taken into account. Basic data are sourced from ESTAT's COMEXT system, which implies a typical delay of 2 months
for data quality assurance and consolidation.
Eggs dashboard
A weekly 16-page PDF file with the latest information on prices, production and trade from a wide range of international sources.
Poultry dashboard
A weekly 16-page PDF file with the latest information on prices, production and trade from a wide range of international sources.