Sheep and goat meat
Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, prices and production.

Sheep and goat meat
Even at more than 57 million sheep and goats slaughtered (2018 figures) the EU remains a net importer of sheep and goat products, with Australia but especially New Zealand supplying the bulk of our imports. Australians consider the leg of lamb roast to be their national dish. Meat from sheep features prominently in several cuisines of the Mediterranean. It is an integral component of many meals, including religious feasts.
Dashboards & Reports
Sheep and goat meat prices
Weekly prices for heavy and light lamb per Member State and weighted averages over the Union.
Prices can be viewed over an extended period or in a year-to-year comparison. The source of the most recent data are Member State notifications through the ISAMM system.
The Data Explorer permits downloading raw weekly data in MS Excel format for offline processing.
Sheep and goat meat production
Monthly production figures expressed in tonnes as well as number of animals, with a map and a bar chart showing distribution over Member States.
A second sheet shows year-to-year variation. Data are sourced and aggregated from Eurostat system.
Includes data concerning slaughterhouses and other than in slaughterhouses.
Sheep and goat meat trade
Monthly import/export figures going back as far as the marketing year 2010 per Member State and per external partner country.
The relationships with external partners is also shown on a map of the world.
Sheep and goat meat dashboard
A weekly 16-page PDF file with the latest information on prices, production and trade from a wide range of international sources.