
Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse visualisations about imports, exports, prices and production.


The EU produces on average around 18 million tonnes of sugar per year and is historically a net importer. Sugar in the EU is mainly used for food but sugar syrups are also transformed into bioethanol.

Dashboards & Reports

Evolution of 3 sugar region prices, with data series going back as far as January 2018. Separate line graphs enable a month-by-month comparison with the previous marketing year.
Figures of gross production, area, and yield for sugar. Data can also be visualised on a map of Europe, and comparisons are offered with the previous year and with a 5-year trimmed average.
Quantities of sugar sold by undertakings and refiners per marketing year (starting from 2020/2021) split by type of use (retailers, food and non-food industry).
Sugar trade Monthly sugar trade volumes and value since the marketing year 2010/2011 per Member State and per external partner country. Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not included. Separate charts show seasonal trends, cumulative figures over the course of a marketing year and main external partners per Member State.
Sugar dashboard A monthly update of several graphs with the latest information on sugar prices, preferential imports, trade, and sugar balances.
Sugar short-term outlook The short-term outlook is published three times per year and is based on the latest data and the reflections of market experts within the European Commission. It includes also estimates and forecasts in addition to historical data. Only the period after Brexit corresponds to the current EU composition (EU-27).