Along the food chain

An overview of the European Union's agri-food chain, tracking elements from inputs to agricultural products prices, trade and food inflation.

prices along the food chain

Along the food chain

To enhance market transparency, the European Commission consolidates information to create an overview of the agri-food chain at the EU level, featuring data and visualizations covering all stages of the chain.


Input price indices The index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production measures the change in the prices paid by domestic producers (farmers) for their intermediate inputs, at EU level. Using 2020 as the reference year, the index covers key inputs such as fertilisers, energy, animal feed, seeds, and other essential resources.
Price indices along the agri-food supply chain The index for price transmission along the food chain provides information on food price inflation at three stages of the value chain: farmer prices (what the farmer receives), processor prices (what greengrocers and supermarket purchase departments pay) and consumer prices (what we pay at the store). The indexed figures are provided by Eurostat, using 2015 as the reference year. The farmer price figures before 2015, and also for the most recent months when not yet available at Eurostat, are estimated by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.


Mineral fertiliser prices increased in 2022 and then started to decrease as from the end of 2022. These visualisations show monthly EU-level prices evolution for 3 classes of fertilisers aggregated by nutrient; Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) from June 2019 to the present in Euro per tonne.
The European Fertiliser Industry has more than 120 production sites across Europe. Production of fertilisers in the EU is distributed geographically among Member States, so that they can quickly serve the main users (farmers). These visualisations show annual production per Member State of five groups of fertilisers and two raw materials (ammonia and phosphates) since 2013. Statistics are also available for a selected number of fertilisers products (subgroup).
Fertiliser trade Monthly import and export volumes per Member State and per external partner for five classes of fertilisers and two raw materials (ammonia and phosphates) since 2010. These visualisations are based on Eurostat's COMEXT dataset except for the most recent 2 months, which are based on Customs Surveillance data. Statistics are also available for a selected number of fertilisers products (subgroup).
Fertiliser use and costs in EU farms This dashboard presents annual mineral fertilizer consumption, categorised by Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, per Member State, across different farm types and economic size classes. The data source is farm-level data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a comprehensive annual survey covering a sample of 80 000 agricultural holdings. The data is derived from farm records rather than trade statistics.

Agri-food prices along the chain

Pigmeat cuts Time series of average pigmeat cuts prices per Member State and for the whole of the Union. The first sheet is limited to a single year and permits the comparison of weekly average prices to the same weeks of the previous year. Another sheet presents prices in the full range from 2021. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.
Poultry Time series of average poultry prices per Member State and for the European Union. Evolution sheet presents prices in the full range from 1991. The Comparison sheet is limited to a single year and permits the comparison of weekly average prices to the same weeks of the previous year. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.
Fruit and vegetables (supply chain) Time series of average fruit and vegetables prices per Member States. Product/Variety Comparison is limited to a single Product Stage and permits the comparison of many Products/Varieties for the same Product Stage. On the other hand, Comparison in supply chain sheet is limited to a single Product/Variety and permits the comparison of the same product in many product stages. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.

Trade of Agri-food products

Trade per sector Agricultural products provide an important positive contribution to the EU trade balance. Under the Customs Union, Member States report on all goods imported into, and exported from, the European Union. Monthly import/export figures of agricultural products per sector are sourced from ESTAT's COMEXT system, which implies a typical delay of 2 months for data quality assurance and consolidation.
Weekly Taxud Report Weekly import and export statistics of agricultural products based on the Customs Surveillance system maintained by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD). Provides data up to the day before the daily update of the visualisations. The values are based on customs declarations and are therefore subject to change without notice.
The United Kingdom is no longer a Member State of the European Union, however until the end of the transition period it was still part of the EU Customs Union. Taxud EU trade data therefore also included the UK as long as it was part of the Customs Union. Such data is labelled as EU+UK.
  • Imports - Weekly data regarding imports.
  • Exports - Weekly data regarding exports.