Market data on production, price and trade for wheat, barley, maize, oats, rye, sorghum, triticale and other cereals.

The EU produces around 300 million tonnes of cereals per year and it is traditionally a net exporter. Cereals in the EU are not only used for food and feed but also as feedstock for the bio economy.
The interactive visualizations below offer a range of perspectives on prices, production and import/export of cereals, including time series graphs, interactive maps, both at EU aggregated level and by Member State.
Dashboards & Reports
Cereals prices
Prices of different kinds of cereals at a number of important EU markets, in different stages of the value chain (Free On Board, Departure from Silo etc.).
The first sheet is limited to a single year and permits the comparison of weekly prices to the same weeks of the previous year. Another sheet displays longer-range time series,
some going back as early as 2009.
Cereals production
Monthly updated figures of gross production, area, and yield for different cereals.
Data can also be visualized on a map of Europe, and comparisons are offered with the previous year and with a 5-year trimmed average.
Cereals trade
Monthly import and export data per Member State and per partner country. Data are sourced from EUROSTAT (COMEXT system).
Cereals dashboard
A weekly update of several table and graphs with the latest information on prices, production, trade, and crop conditions,
from a wide range of EU and international sources.
Cereals short-term outlook
The short-term outlook is published three times per year and is based on the latest data and the reflections of market experts within the European Commission.
It includes also estimates and forecasts in addition to historical data. It covers EU soft wheat, durum wheat, barley, grain maize, rye, sorghum, oats, triticale and other cereals.