What's new
Read about the latest developments, new charts and datasets.
Sustainability compass: from CMEF to PMEF

The sustainability compass, which was hitherto based on indicators from the CMEF framework, was upgraded to display similar indicators using the current PMEF framework while offering more timely updates. The Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PMEF) framework, like its predecessor the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), purports to offer a quantitative evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy through a set of numeric context, impact, output and result indicators.
Enhancements to the Geoportal Page: New Interactive LSU Density Map Tool

The Geoportal page has been enhanced to bring together Member States' geoportals for IACS data and the LSU density map viewer. This new interactive tool allows users to visualise LSU density, a key indicator of livestock farming intensity, and explore its relationships with other data layers, including environmental and sectoral indicators.
New dashboard: Fertiliser use and costs in EU farms

An interactive dashboard has been launched, providing data on fertiliser use and cost in EU farms, based on the latest available information from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) up to 2022. The dashboard is hosted on the Europa website's Agrifood data portal and offers valuable insights into fertiliser usage and expenditure at farm level, according to farm type and economic size, with data available for each country.

Updated: Farm Economics Overview

The Farm Economics interactive dashboard has been updated with 2022 FADN data. It allows to explore the data from the Farm Economics Overview report by Member State. It contains graphs, maps and tables on the average farm data on farm income, direct payments, income components, financial structure, labour and rented land.

Organic farming in arable crops, dairy and beef farms

The interactive dashboard on organic farming based on FADN data has just been updated to include data up to 2022. It provides comparative results between conventional and organic farming for arable crops, dairy farms, and beef farms.

API for organic prices

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded to include organic prices. This API allows looking into generic evolution trends of indicative prices of organic products at EU level and per Member State.
Latest farm economics data now available

The FADN public database and dashboards have been updated with the vast majority of the 2022 data on European farm economics, although data for two Member States is still pending (please read the disclaimer). Our interactive database and dashboards enable users to delve into FADN standard results, covering a broad spectrum of metrics such as production, costs, subsidies, income, assets, and liabilities. Averages are calculated across various dimensions, including time (by year), geography/region (by Member State), farm type, and economic size class.

Structural data on Agriculture

Member States and EU-level graphs and tables on farm structures, based on the 2020 EUROSTAT Census, and data on agricultural income based on the economic accounts.

PMEF indicators

The Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PMEF) includes 4 types of indicators to help assess CAP performance, which are result, output, context and impact indicators. Beside the existing information on planned result indicators and planned output indicators, a new app now, the data explorer, presents the indicators of type “context” in a tabular format. The other 3 types of indicators will also be displayed in the data explorer in the next future.

Prices dashboard

Monthly summary of price data for the most representative agricultural products at EU level, to give an indication of the most recent price developments.

Fresh tomatoes dashboard

Monthly data on prices and trade of tomatoes for fresh consumption, annual volumes of production, and other relevant data from a range of EU and international sources. Updated on a daily basis.

Update on Cost of Production Analysis Using FADN Data

The Agri-Food Data Portal dashboards for milk and cereal specialized farms have been updated to include 2021 FADN data on production costs. These interactive dashboards offer insights into trends in structural information, revenues, costs, gross and net margins. Data is available at the country level.

Sugar stocks

A new app enables the visitor to view sugar stocks figures by undertakings and refiners. Data is available per marketing year as from 2017/2018.

Input price indices and Price indices along the agri-food supply chain

Building on the current collection of data and visual tools, the new Input price indices track how farm input costs are evolving, while the Price indices along the agri-food supply chain offer a view of price dynamics for the main actors of the food chain: farmers, processors, and consumers. They can be accessed via our new page Along the food chain.

Labelling of CAP interventions

The new page “farm practices” in the catalogue of CAP interventions shows the links between some CAP interventions planned by Member States and JRC’s classification of farm practices. The user can explore the farm practices that environmental-related CAP interventions may support through the CAP strategic plans.

API for fertiliser prices

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded to include prices and reference data for fertiliser prices.
APIs for pigmeat, beef, poultry and protein crops sectors

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded for four sectors. Production volumes are now available for pigmeat, beef, poultry and protein crops.
Organic farming in arable crops, dairy and beef farms

The interactive dashboard on organic farming based on FADN data up to 2021 has just been published in the Agrifood data portal of the Europa website. This follows the publication of the brief Organic farming in the EU - a decade of organic growth on the website for Agricultural markets in the organic sector.

Tips & tricks page

This new page provides general information about the data and visuals on the Agri-food Data Portal, including tips on how to use selection filters and download data. Guided tours are available for the most relevant visualisation types on the portal.

New visualisation: Planned outputs by theme

This dashboard provides detailed information on outputs (e.g. the area, livestock units, farmers and operations) that Member States planned to support in under the CAP 2023-2027 by output indicator. Outputs are presented grouped by specific themes.

Sugar use

A new app enables the visitor to view figures on quantities of sugar sold by undertakings and refiners to retailers and sugar users. Data is available per marketing year as from 2020/2021.

Protein crops prices

The collection of sectoral price applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with statistics for protein crops prices.

New data: poultry buying prices

The poultry prices app has been enriched to include buying prices. The user can choose between three different categories: selling prices (existing prices from the app), non-retail buying prices and retail buying prices.

New app: Processed tomatoes trade

Monthly trade volumes and values since 2010 per Member State and per external partner country and for both Comext statistical regimes 1 and 4 (normal and total trade). Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not included.

Update of the farm economics database

The FADN public database has been updated to include 2022 statistics on European farm economics. The interactive database allows visitors to explore FADN standard results on a wide and diverse range of measures including production, costs, subsidies, income, assets and liabilities. Averages are calculated over the dimensions of time (year), geography (Member State), farm type and economic size class.

New app: fruit and vegetables production

Using a combination of Eurostat crop production data and estimates by DG AGRI, this app provides annual production volumes for a selection of fruits and vegetables since 2010.

Agri Sustainability Compass

This novel interactive tool allows you to explore the sustainability performance of EU agriculture over time based on 20 key economic, environmental and social indicators.
New sector available: Fertilisers

Market data on trade, production and average prices of fertilisers are now available in the dedicated fertilisers sector amid the Agri-food markets.

Catalogue of CAP interventions upgraded!

New features have been added to the catalogue. Now, catalogue display more details on CAP interventions, including the annual planning by unit amount. Catalogue also provides some basic statistics by Member State and by Type of Intervention.

Financial allocation to CAP specific objectives

This dashboard provides detailed information on the financial allocation of interventions to the CAP specific objectives according to the links between interventions and specific objectives established by Member States in their CAP strategic plans.

Most recent Farm Economics data now available

The 2021 FADN data have been released in the Farm Economics section of the Agri-Food Data Portal.
The interactive database on the Data Portal allows you to explore the FADN standard results on several farm economic data such as production, costs, subsidies, income, assets and liabilities. Average data are calculated for each year, per Member State, Farm Type and Economic Size class.
Highlight: over the last decade, the average farm net value added registered a growing trend to reach EUR 48 600 per farm and EUR 29 100 per worker (annual working unit) in 2021. All types of farming registered a progression compared to 2020 (13.6% on average), except for pigs and poultry (granivores). Still, granivores have remained the most profitable sector with an average farm income of 43 400 EUR per worker.

Catalogue of CAP interventions

The Catalogue provides detailed information on CAP strategic plans (2023-2027) and Member States implementation choices in an easy searchable way.

New: Beef specialised farms

The beef specialised farm dashboard has been updated with the most recent FADN data, up to 2021. The dashboard shows an economic overview of EU beef specialised farms and provides trends on structural information, revenues and costs, gross and net margins, income, beef margin, and assets. Data is available at country level.

Short-term outlook: wine, protein crops and biofuels

The short-term outlooks visuals have been extended with balance sheets representing production, exports, imports, domestic use and stocks (where applicable) for wine, protein crops and biofuels.
Dairy production: fat and protein content

The dairy production app now features the fat and protein percentage in milk from each Member State month after month.

Food supply and security: self-sufficiency rates and import dependency of selected energy sources

New visuals: self-sufficiency rates - inputs and import dependency - inputs where selected energy sources (natural gas, oil and petroleum products, electricity) are shown, at both the EU and Member State levels. Data can be visualised on a graph comparing the EU and different Member States over a longer time. In addition, a map visualisation is also available to compare Member States in a given year.
CAP Plans 2023-27 - Planned Result Indicators

Result indicators link CAP actions to their purpose. Member States set targets to quantify their ambition in the implementation of the CAP.

Short-term outlook: sugar, apples, oranges, tomatoes, peaches and nectarines

The short-term outlooks visuals have been extended with balance sheets representing production, exports, imports, domestic use and stocks (where applicable) for sugar, apples, oranges, tomatoes, peaches and nectarines.
APIs for sugar, oilseeds and protein crops, rice, dairy and sheep and goat meat sectors

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded for five new sectors. Production volumes are now available for sugar, rice, dairy, oilseeds and protein crops as well as sheep and goat meat.
New data visualisation: Price trends of organic products

New visualisations provide information on the prices of selected organic products compared to the equivalent overall prices across the European Union, where overall prices are either conventional prices or prices combining both organic and conventional products.

Scope extension of trade visualisations

Trade statistics underwent an important scope extension including the full first 24 chapters of the common nomenclature (CN-codes) for non-processed and processed agricultural products, as well as fertilizers, plant protection products, and machinery. This affects the sectoral trade visualisations based on Eurostat's COMEXT dataset and will also apply to the import and export statistics from DG TAXUD's customs surveillance system.

Food supply and security: Inability to afford a meal

New indicator: Inability to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day. Data can be visualised on a graph comparing different types of households by their composition as well as an income category. In addition, a map visualisation is also available.
New section: Food security and supply dashboard

The agri-food data portal now includes visualizations of quantitative monitoring indicators of food supply and food security in the EU, and a set of external sources providing an alert system. The publication of this dashboard is one of the actions foreseen in the Communication on Contingency plan for ensuring food supply and food security in times of crisis.

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded for pig cuts and eggs. Poultry prices were also updated to reflect same prices as the Agri-food Market Poultry App. Also all APIs return sorted results.

A new app enables the visitor to view updated figures of gross production, area, and yield for sugar. Data can also be visualised on a map of Europe, and comparisons are offered with the previous year and with a 5-year trimmed average

The beef prices app has a new view that provides visualizations of all carcasses prices and not only the most representative of the category. It facilitates extended analysis for advanced users.

The Farm Economics section was extended with an interactive dashboard which allows to explore the economic performance of cereal farms in the EU.

The short-term outlooks have been extended with balance sheets representing stocks, imports, exports, production and consumption for meats, cereals and oilseeds.

Milk specialised farm dashboard has been updated with 2020 FADN data and estimate for 2021. The dashboard shows economic overview of EU milk specialised farms providing trends on structural information, revenues and costs, gross and net margin, income and opportunity costs. Data is available at country and regional level.

The collection of sectoral price applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with statistics for egg prices.

A data explorer has been added to the Thematic Indicators section of the CAP Indicators page. This allows visitors to explore data for the EU-28 and UK up to and including 2019.

The Thematic Indicator dashboards, specific Context Indicator dashboards and Country Factsheets page have been refreshed with the most recent Indicator data.

Daily Standard Import Values (SIV) are now available through the portal. You can find them from the Markets, Fruit and vegetables and Trade and quotas pages.

After some maintenance and upgrade, the improved cereals dashboard is on the portal. It will from now on be updated every Friday morning.

The new Pig Cuts Prices app provides non-retail and retail buying prices, as well as selling prices for pigmeat cuts across the European Union.

The layout of all infopages of the CAP indicators apps have been updated. These pages can be accessed through the Info button inside each app.

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded for beef and live animals. Production volumes are now available for cereals and olive oil sectors.

The beef prices app (data explorer view) and the corresponding machine-to-machine API were enriched with prices for all combinations of conformations and fat classes.

A new visualization for milk and dairy products sector. The short-term outlook is based on reflections of market experts within the European Commission's Department for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Monthly trade volumes and value since the marketing year 2010/2011 per Member State and per external partner country. Intra-EU trade (trade between Member States) is not included.

The sugar prices app now contains the prices of short-term contracts on top of the monthly prices that were already there. All prices remain aggregated into 3 large European regions.

Charts have been added to the “Supporting viable farm income” section that show: agricultural entrepreneurial income plus wages per annual work unit (AWU) and farm net value added per AWU per sector;

The Farm Economics section’s dashboards have been updated with accounting year 2020 preliminary FADN data set. More information about FADN on europa.

A new version of the thematic dashboard allowing easier user interaction and aligning with the other visualisations of the Portal. No changes in the data shown in the dashboard, except EU-28 and UK which have been filtered out where needed.

The Farm Economics interactive dashboard has been updated with 2019 FADN data. It allows to explore the data from the Farm Economics Overview report by Member State. It contains graphs, maps and tables on the average farm data on farm income, direct payments, income components, financial structure, labour and rented land.

A new dashboard that highlights some of EU and world market statistics most relevant to the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine including input and output prices, production and stocks, and international trade.

The country factsheets now contain additional graphs to complete the 10 specific objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy.

A new app that visualizes time series of average pigmeat cuts prices per Member State and for the whole of the Union. Source data are submitted by Member States, most recently through the ISAMM system.

A new app enables the visitor to compare the prices of fruit and vegetables as they advance along the economic value chain beginning with farm gate prices via ex-packaging station prices until retail buying prices.

The sheep and goat sector has been enriched with a new dataset containing information on live animals trade. Next to existing product groups (Fresh meat; Frozen meat; Offals; Preparations; Salted, dried, smoked meat) you will now see a new option "Live animals".

The Farm Economics section was extended with an interactive dashboard which allows to explore the data from the Farm Economics Overview report by Member State. It contains graphs, maps and tables on the average farm data on farm income, direct payments, income components, financial structure, labour and rented land.

Among the sectoral olive oil & table olive apps, a balance sheet is now available representing estimates and forecasts of olive oil stocks, imports, exports, production and consumption.

The machine-to-machine interface of the Agri-food Data Portal now offers information on the CMEF system of success indicators. An 18-minute video tutorial demonstrates how to use our API.

Available as a new pillar of the Agri-food Data Portal, the analytical factsheets present the degree to which Member States meet 6 specific objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy.

The API was expanded to include data about oilseeds prices, products, product types as well as markets and markets stages. Explore three sugar region prices, with data series going back as far as January 2018 or in case of olive oil, seven different product categories in more than 20 different markets across the major oil-producing Member States.

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded to include prices and reference data for dairy products and for raw milk.

The cross-sector apps for imports and exports were expanded with two new visualization sheets: a two-dimensional bar chart showing trade per Member State and per partner country; and a choice of geographic maps or pie charts to represent the relative contributions of Member States and partner countries.

On top of the existing offering of sectoral price data through an Application Programming Interface (API, an access point for client computers), a similar offering now exists for cross-sector trade statistics based on aggregated customs surveillance data.

The machine-to-machine interface was expanded to include prices and reference data for sheep and goat meat as well as for rice.

The EU Financing section on the use of EU funds in the Common Agricultural Policy has received an update. The app that shows spending under the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) will now display data from 2020 (latest year available).

The collection of sectoral price applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with statistics for live animal prices.

Context indicators have been updated both on thematic and specific context dashboards: new data have been published on plant protection products, antimicrobials, irrigable areas, water exploitation index, emissions.

A new dashboard is available on the CAP objective on improving the response to society’s demands on food and health, providing information on plant protection products, antimicrobials and animal welfare.

The agricultural markets section has been enriched with a machine to machine interface. The Agri-food Data API is a Web API, consisting of a set of addresses (URLs) that may be used to retrieve information from the portal's database.

The home page of the data portal now contains a separate section on the use of EU funds in the Common Agricultural Policy. There is a specific app for spending under the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and a link to the existing financial dashboard from the CAP Indicators section.

The Farm Economics pillar has received a new layout that makes it easier to view economic reports on EU farming, based on data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).

The collection of sectoral price applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with statistics for 9 types of product including sunflower, rapeseed, soya beans.

The existing app showing dairy production statistics was extended with time series for the production of organic milk, starting in January 2021. A separate sheet provides the organic milk deliveries as a percentage of total milk deliveries.

The existing app showing prices of raw milk was extended with time series for prices of organic raw milk, starting in January 2021.

The existing apps with highly aggregated data was upgraded to provide much more fine-grained data per Member State, partner country, 10-digit product code and marketing week.

The agri-food data portal now includes metadata about the geospatial information systems (LPIS) that Member States and regions maintain in the context of the IACS control framework.

The collection of sectoral trade applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with statistics for 10 types of product including raw milk & cream deliveries as well as consumer products.

The collection of sectoral trade applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with production statistics for 8 types of poultry meat.

The Beef Dashboard in the Agricultural Markets section was replaced with a multi-page interactive app.

The data explorer on the thematic indicators page, enabling users to download the raw data for further off-line analysis, was given a more prominent place.

The CAP Indicators section now includes detailed data on 45 context indicators grouped into socio-economic indicators, sectoral indicators and environmental indicators.

The most recent data on European Union support for the distribution of fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy products among school children are accompanied by a new visualization that enables year-to-year comparisons.

In the Agricultural Markets section, the apps that display import/export data for individual sectors have now been adapted to provide a better display on low-resolution screens such as smartphones.

The collection of sectoral trade applications in the Agricultural Markets section was completed with import/export data on 16 different dairy product groups. Data are sourced from the COMEXT system of the European Statistical Office ESTAT.

In the CAP Indicators section, the 12 thematic dashboards have now been adapted to provide a better display on low-resolution screens such as smartphones.

In the Agricultural Markets section, the apps that display price or production data for individual sectors are now equipped with a Data Explorer sheet where users can select and download raw data for further off-line processing.

The Agricultural Markets section was extended with a visualization of price statistics for light and heavy lamb meat in the Member States, together with an EU weighted average.

The Agricultural Markets section was extended with a price statistics for no less than 31 types of fruit and vegetables, several of them differentiated by variety.

The CAP Indicators section includes the most recent data available. Some of the visualizations have been adapted to accommodate the availability of multiple-year time series.

The Farm Economy section now offers direct access to the public Farm Accountancy databases.