Impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on selected agricultural sectors

These data and graphs are under constant revision by business experts and should be considered a work in progress.

Discover selected statistics detailing the impact on the price of cereals (milling wheat, maize, feed barley) and the price of oilseeds (rapeseed and crude sunflower oil) as well as prices of milling wheat futures. A series of charts on EU and World production and stocks for the major product categories (cereals, wheat, maize, barley and soybeans) are available for analysis. From a trade perspective, imports for maize, rapeseed, sunflower oil and sunflower seeds as well as wheat exports can be found in this dashboard.

Output Prices

Milling wheat prices

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Notifications by Member States to the European Commission

Maize prices

Source: Notifications by Member States to the European Commission

Feed barley prices

Source: Notifications by Member States to the European Commission

Rapeseed prices

Source: Notifications by Member States to the European Commission

Sunflower oil prices

Source: Notifications by Member States to the European Commission

Export Prices

Export prices FOB


Euronext milling wheat futures

Food, commodity and output price indices

The external_links European Commission price dashboard contains monthly updated food and commodity price indices

Input Prices

Brent crude prices

Freight Rates from IGC

The Grains and Oilseeds Freight Index (GOFI) maps weekly fluctuations of freight costs in grains and oilseeds trade, with the first week of January 2013 taken as its base of 100. The index covers 68 routes from key exporting origins, weighted based on their previous year's share in the total flow. View external_links Freight Rates from IGC .

Food, commodity and input price indices

The external_links European Commission price dashboard contains monthly updated input price indices, such as for fertilizer and natural gas

Production and stocks

World production

EU production

World stocks

EU stocks

AMIS (Agricultural Market Information System) production and stocks

external_links AMIS supply and demand overview - for data on World, Ukraine and Russian wheat, maize and soyabean production and stocks (select country and commmodity to generate the data)


EU Maize imports

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Customs surveillance data

EU Rapeseed imports

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Customs surveillance data

EU Sunflower oil imports

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Customs surveillance data

EU Sunflower seeds imports

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Customs surveillance data

EU wheat exports

• click here to see the data explorer
Source: Customs surveillance data

Trade in value

For an historic overview of the agri-food trade between EU and:

external_links Ukraine

external_links Russia