
Analyses of FADN data: farm incomes, costs of production, farm business analyses and more.



Dashboards with analyses of FADN and additional data, resulting in new information such as costs of production per unit of product and in cost of production structures.

These additional results are not reported in the FADN farm return nor contained in the standard results set, but they are obtained thanks to a specific methodology. Moreover, these interactive dashboards contain detailed data per Member State, supplementing some of the reports available here.

Farm economics overview Interactive dashboard which allows exploration of data by Member State on farm income, direct payments, income components, financial structure, labor and rented land.
Organic farming in arable crops, dairy and beef farms The dashboard presents data on yields, income, costs, subsidies, producer prices in organic versus conventional farming (for arable crops, dairy and beef farms) for selected Member State.
Milk specialised farms Evolution of economic performance of milk farms in the EU. The dashboard shows economic overview of EU milk specialised farms providing trends on structural information, revenues and costs, gross and net margin, income and opportunity costs. Data is available at country and regional level.
Cereal specialised farms Economic performance of cereal farms in the EU. This dashboard provides an overview of the production costs, margins and income of EU farms specialised in barley, common wheat, durum wheat and grain maize production, as well as related trends. Data is available at EU and country level
Beef specialised farms Evolution of economic performance of beef farms in the EU. The dashboard shows an economic overview of the EU beef specialised farms (also by three specialised beef types: breeders, breeders-fatteners and fatteners) providing trends on gross margin, income, structural information, output and costs at the farm level. Data is available at the EU and Member State levels.
Please take the time to read our as it contains important information on the data presented here.