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Analytical Factsheet - Belgium

Ten objectives for a future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Click here for a detailed mapping between the charts present on this page and the CAP indicators.

This factsheet provides an overview of the agricultural sector and rural development in Belgium. In the form of an interactive dashboard, it presents facts and figures for each of the 10 specific objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, as defined in the regulation (EU) 2021/2115. The information reflects common context indicators and impact indicators in relation to agriculture and rural development for which data is available to date. Data is made available without prejudice to any finding in respect of Member State compliance with the regulatory framework and does not prejudge on Member States' CAP Strategic Plans.

Supporting viable farm income

To support viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector across the Union in order to enhance long-term food security and agricultural diversity as well as to ensure the economic sustainability of agricultural production in the Union.

Agricultural entrepreneurial income

In agriculture, income fluctuates stronger than in most other sectors due to the strong dependency on weather and price variations. Agricultural entrepreneurial income measures the income derived from agricultural activities that can be used for the remuneration of own production factors, i.e. non-salaried (= family) labor, land owned by the agricultural holding and own capital. It is obtained by deducting wages, rent and interest payments from agricultural factor income.

The income per family worker in the agricultural sector is significantly lower than the average wage in the economy. However, in the EU, despite strong yearly fluctuations, the difference between agricultural income and average wages is decreasing. Average EU agricultural income represented 31% of average wage in the economy in 2005 and increased to 65% in 2022. 

The next graph shows the agricultural entrepreneurial income plus wages per annual work unit (AWU). This shows the level of income that can be used to remunerate work on the farm (both family and salaried). In the EU, the value has been steadily increasing since 2005.

Agricultural factor income

Agricultural factor income measures the remuneration of all factors of production (land, capital, labor), regardless of whether they are owned or borrowed/rented. It represents all the value generated by a unit engaged in an agricultural production activity.

Agricultural factor income is well suited for evaluating the impact of changes in the level of public support (i.e. direct payments) on the capacity of farmers to reimburse capital, pay for wages and rented land as well as to reward their own production factors.

The graph shows an increasing trend in the EU since 2009, but one should note that the proportion of own and external production factors varies in some cases significantly between and within Member States and that the remuneration of own and external production factors is often unequal at farm level. 

Variability of agricultural income

Farm net value added by sector

Level of income by physical farm size

Farm net value added in areas with natural constraints

Increasing competitiveness

To enhance market orientation and increase farm competitiveness both in the short and long term, including greater focus on research, technology and digitalisation.

Agricultural productivity

Graph 1 : Total factor productivity (TFP) compares total outputs (in volume) relative to the total inputs (in volume) used in production of the output. TFP reveals the joint effects of many factors including new technologies, efficiency gains, economies of scale, managerial skill, and changes in the organization of production.

As both output and inputs are expressed in term of volume indices, the indicator measures TFP growth. The change in production and input volumes is measured over a defined period (2010=100).


Graph 2 : Labor productivity in agriculture is expressed as total Gross Value Added (GVA) in agriculture at basic prices per Annual Work Unit (AWU). 

Gross Value Added is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption.

GVA per AWU provides comparable data on labor productivity and allows for comparison between sub-sectors and countries.


Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture

Gross Fixed Capital Formation in agriculture measures farmers’ investments in fixed assets (meaning assets that are intended for use in the production for a period of more than a year). It mostly refers to “produced assets”, which result from a production process, and does not include, for example, the purchase of land and natural resources. 

The graph shows data at Member State level. At EU level, the amount of investments is fluctuating around EUR 50 billion per year since 2005 (between EUR 44 billion and EUR 56 billion per year).

Gross Fixed Capital Formation as a share of the Gross Value Added (GVA) in agriculture measures how much of the value added is invested in fixed assets rather than consumed, and is a key element for indicating future competitiveness. At EU level, since 2005, GFCF has been fluctuating between 30% and 38% of GVA, with important differences between Member States.


Revenue and cost structure

Agricultural entrepreneurial income measures the income derived from agricultural activities that can be used for the remuneration of own production factors. This varies enormously between the different countries, partly due to the organizational structure of agriculture and due to different degrees of mechanization and labor use, different levels of debts, or to differences in commodity prices and purchasing power, amongst others. The graph shows the evolution of the cost and revenue distribution. For EU farmers, crop and animal outputs are the main revenues and feedstuffs, energy and labor the main costs.

Agri-food trade imports and exports

Agricultural trade balance shows the value of both the exports and imports of agricultural goods for each EU Member State and indicates whether the country has a trade surplus or deficit in agricultural products and its size. At EU level, agri-food trade balance is positive (meaning that the EU is a net exporter of agri-food products), and follows a positive trend in which both imports and exports are increasing over time. However, agri-food trade balance varies significantly between Member States.

Ratio EU prices versus world market

The graph shows the historical evolution of the price difference between the EU and the world market for different products. The shift away from management of agricultural markets in the EU reduced the price gap between EU and world market prices over time. It increased trade opportunities but also EU price volatility.

Number of farms, hectares and Livestock units

Number of farms (graph 1): For several decades, the number of farms in the EU has been decreasing and the general pattern in the EU has been towards a greater concentration of agriculture. Therefore, land use and agricultural production have become more concentrated. To reverse these trends, the CAP has different interventions to support smaller farms.

This graph shows the evolution of the total number of farms and the average farm size (in hectares) in absolute figures.

Hectares (graph 2): This graphs shows both the total Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) in hectares and the share of UAA dedicated to three main categories of land use (as defined by Eurostat):

-Arable land is land worked (ploughed or tilled) regularly, generally under a system of crop rotation.

-Permanent crops are usually ligneous crops, meaning trees or shrubs, not grown in rotation, but occupying the soil for several (usually more than five) consecutive years. It concerns all fruit and nuts trees, berry plantations, vineyards, olive trees and all other permanent crops used for human consumption (e.g. tea, coffee or carobs) and for other purposes (e.g. nurseries, Christmas trees or plants for plaiting and weaving such as rattan, or bamboo). Permanent crops are usually intended for human consumption and generally create a higher added value per hectare than annual crops. They also play an important role in shaping the rural landscape.

-Permanent grassland is land used permanently (for several consecutive years, normally 5 years or more) to grow herbaceous fodder, forage or tttenergy purpose crops, through cultivation (sown) or naturally (self-seeded), and which is not included in the crop rotation on the holding. Grassland must have fodder interest, i.e. they include vegetal species of fodder interest.

The share of different land uses varies greatly between countries.

Livestock units (graph 3): The livestock unit, (LSU) is a reference unit which facilitates the aggregation of livestock from various species and age.The reference unit used for the calculation of livestock units (=1 LSU) is the grazing equivalent of one adult dairy cow producing 3 000 kg of milk annually, without additional concentrated foodstuffs.

The livestock density index measures the stock of animals cattle sheep, goats, equidae, pigs, poultry and rabbits)converted in livestock units (LSUs) per hectare of utilized agricultural area (UAA). The livestock density index is an indicator for the pressure of livestock farming on the environment. Livestock, through manure production, contributes to climate change (greenhouse gas emissions) and nutrient leaching into water and air. A higher livestock density means that a higher amount of manure is available per ha of UAA, which increases the risk of nutrient leaching. However actual impact on the environment of livestock farming is not only depending on the amount and density of livestock, but also depends on farming practices. 

Extensive grazing (graph 4): Areas of extensive grazing measures the area under grazing livestock production (cattle, sheep and goats), where the stocking density does not exceed 1 livestock unit per ha of forage area (forage crops, permanent pastures and meadows). It shows both the area in Ha and the share of total UAA dedicated to extensive grazing (in %).

Strengthening the position of farmers in value chains

To improve the farmers' position in the value chain.

Value added for primary producers in the food chain

The food supply chain comprises all actors and activities from primary agricultural production to food processing, distribution and retailing and consumption.

This indicator determines the value added (defined as output minus intermediate consumption) generated by different participants of the food chain (primary production, manufacturing, distribution and consumers services) and calculates the share of the primary production (agriculture) in the total value added.

The share of value added belonging to agriculture in the whole food chain in the EU is slightly declining at about 25%.

Huge disparities between Members States show their share of value added belonging to agriculture ranging from 7% in Luxembourg to 56% in Romania.

Agricultural output per sector

The value of agricultural output comprises the values of crop production and animal production without agricultural service output.

About one half of the value of the total output of the EU’s agricultural came from crops, within which vegetables and horticultural plants and cereals were the most valuable crops. About two fifths of total output came from animals and animal products, a majority coming from just milk and pigs.

Contributions and share of animal and crop product differs significantly from and between Member States, reflecting differences in volumes produced, prices received, as well as the mix of crops grown, animals reared, animal products collected.


Contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation

To contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration, as well as to promote sustainable energy.

Contributing to climate change mitigation

Agriculture contributes to climate change mainly by emitting three greenhouse gases (GHGs). First, there is methane (CH4) from livestock digestion processes (enteric fermentation), manure management and rice cultivation. Secondly, nitrous oxide (N2O) from agricultural soils with organic and mineral nitrogen fertilization and manure management. And thirdly, carbon dioxide (CO2) from soil as a result of agricultural land management such as ploughing or conversion of land use, e.g. from grassland to cropland. These practices can lead to mineralization of the soil organic carbon to CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.

Agricultural land can also act as GHG sink, as growing vegetation takes up CO2 from the atmosphere that is then stored temporarily or permanently in biomass or soils.

The indicator presents a sum of mainly non-CO2 emissions of enteric fermentation, manure management, rice cultivation and soil management and of the CO2 emissions and removals from LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use change and Forestry) from grassland and cropland. These are reported by Member States under the 'Agriculture' and ‘LULUCF’ sectors as defined by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in the national greenhouse gas inventory submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

EU GHG emissions from agriculture (including cropland and grassland) have fallen by more than 20% since 1990, but they have stagnated since 2010. In 2021, they accounted for 13% of total EU GHG emissions. 

This indicator does not include emissions of CO2 from the energy use of agricultural machinery, buildings and farm operations or emissions from production of inputs, such as inorganic fertilizer.

Enhancing carbon sequestration

Soil organic carbon, the major component of soil organic matter, is extremely important in all soil processes, including for its ability to bind water and thus cope with large fluctuations in precipitation, which is important in terms of climate adaptation.

Organic matter in soil is mostly derived from residual plant tissues, while microbial, fungal and animal contributions constitute a small part of its total amount. Microbes, fungi and animals decompose organic matter more or less efficiently depending on temperature, moisture and environmental soil conditions.

Two groups of factors influence inherent organic matter content and accumulation: natural factors (climate, soil parent material, land cover and/or vegetation and topography); and human-induced factors (land use, management and degradation).

Promoting sustainable energy in agriculture

Sustainable energy is crucial to reduce the use of fossil fuels and GHG emissions.

The first graph shows the production of renewable energy from agricultural and forestry biomass.

The renewable energy from agricultural biomass sums the amount of energy obtained from: biodiesel from oilseeds crops; bioethanol from starch/sugar crops; second generation biofuels (from non-food cellulosic materials); agricultural biogas (livestock manure and energy crops, waste and residues); energy crops for electricity or heat (including short rotation coppice); and agricultural crop residues for electricity or heat. 

The renewable energy from forestry biomass sums the amount of energy obtained from: wood provided directly from forestry (fuel wood, wood chips, bark, shavings, forest residues) or transformed from any of the above (pellets, briquettes etc.); and forest-based industry by- and co-products in EU used for energy production (e.g. sawdust, black liquor).

The indicator is expressed in tons of oil equivalent per 1000 hectares of land. Production of renewable energy from agriculture and forestry is increasing. 

Please note that the indicated values are estimations.

The second graph shows, on the one hand, the share of agriculture and forestry in total renewable energy production, and, on the other, the share of renewable energy in the total energy used by agriculture an forestry.

Agriculture an forestry remained the main source of renewable energy in the EU in 2019 (accounting for 54% of the production). However, the dependency of agriculture and forestry on fossil fuels remains very high.

Increasing area under Agri-environment and climate commitments

Agri-environment-climate measures (AECM) are voluntary commitments for improved land management practices, beneficial for environment and climate, including ecosystem preservation and restoration, resource efficiency and low-carbon practices. This graph shows the share of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) subject to AECM in the EU Member States. These practices are financed through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and have to go beyond the 'baseline', that is the level of protection required by the relevant EU and national legislation. For example, these agri-environment-climate commitments can support practices that limit the loss of soil organic matter, foster soil biodiversity or reduce soil pollution.

Protecting natural resources

To foster sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources such as water, soil and air, including by reducing chemical dependency.

Reducing soil erosion

Erosion by water is one of the major causes for soil degradation in Europe. Water processes like rain splash, overland flow, sheet wash and rill formation lead to soil removal and degradation of soil structure. Among consequences for farming are a loss of fertile land as well as increased risk of floods and surface water pollution. Intensive farming practices increase the risk of soil erosion, while vegetative cover reduces it.

According to the OECD, moderate erosion is defined by an estimated soil loss larger than 11 tonnes per hectare per year. In 2016, 9% of agricultural areas in the EU was estimated to be affected by moderate soil water erosion.

Agricultural areas include arable land, permanent crops and heterogeneous agricultural areas like agro-forestry areas but exclude pastures and natural grassland.

Improving air quality

Ammonia (NH3) pollution increases acid depositions and the level of nutrients in soil, rivers and lakes, which can lead to eutrophication. It can also add to the burden of particulate matter in the air – which is very harmful to health - when it undergoes certain chemical reactions. Agriculture is the dominant emitter of ammonia in the EU (from livestock farming and the use of some inorganic nitrogen fertilisers).

In the EU, ammonia emissions from agriculture fell more or less continuously between 1990 and 2012 but have been rising again since then.

Reducing nutrient losses

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential to crop production, but through run-off and leaching they can be transferred to water bodies. Excessive levels in water are a significant form of water pollution which can be harmful to health and cause eutrophication. The gross nitrogen balance and gross phosphorus balance on agricultural land are not a direct measure of the presence of these chemicals in water, but rather indicate to what extent they may be finding their way from agricultural land into water bodies.

In the EU, available figures may point to a decline in the potential surplus of nitrogen since 2015, but this picture may be adjusted as further data emerge with regard to that period.

The concept of a “surplus” should be understood in light of the fact that the use efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus by crops cannot reach 100%, and optimal use by plants depends on a range of factors.

Improving water quality

Groundwater nitrate concentrations reflect the intensity of agricultural activity and its potential impact on fresh water water quality and pollution. It should be kept in mind that it is difficult to distinguish the contribution of agriculture to this status compared to other influencing factors, even though it is acknowledged that agriculture is a main contributor.

Figures for nitrates in freshwater give a comprehensive overview of the actual state of water bodies, allowing comparison over time. This data is complementary to the Gross Nutrient Balance which provides an indication of the impact of agriculture on those figures and give information about potential pollution by phosphates.

In 2017, 18 out of EU countries had groundwater monitoring stations with poor quality water. In these groundwater monitoring stations, the average nitrate concentration is above the EU Groundwater Quality Standard of 50 milligrams of nitrate per liter (mg NO3/l), as laid down in the Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC).

These data from the European Environment Agency are only available at national level, which can mask important regional variations. In addition, data is missing for several Member States. Further information on nitrate in groundwater is available in the Commission report on the implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources based on Member States reports for the period 2016–2019 (COM (2021) 1000 final).

Reducing pressure on water resource

Agriculture is a major user of freshwater, primarily for irrigation purposes, in order to enhance the yield and quality of crops.

Water abstraction in agriculture gives an indication of the pressure which agriculture exerts on available freshwater resources.

Data are very partial and some of the main water users (France and Italy in particular) are not represented.

In the EU, water abstraction in agriculture is markedly higher in Spain, Greece and Portugal. A small decline in water abstracted for irrigation has occurred in those countries over recent years. Poland, Romania and Hungaria have experienced a marked decline since the early 1990’s. 

Fostering the sustainable use of pesticides

A transition towards sustainable food systems requires, among other actions, a reduction in the use of chemical pesticides. Data presented in this graph include sales of plant protection products in agriculture and in other sectors of our economy. Sales include both chemical and non-chemical substances.  

For the time being sales data are the best proxy for the use of pesticides at farm level, as data on the quantities of pesticides used per crop are not (yet) available at EU level.

Reducing farming intensity

Farm input intensity refers to the level of inputs (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, other crop protection products and purchased feed) per unit of production factor (in general land). The graph shows the level of farm input intensity (low, medium and high) expressed as percentage of total utilised agricultural area (UAA) managed by farms. 

Intensification is defined as the increase in farm intensity, while extensification describes the opposite trend. This approach allows covering both crop and livestock production.

With this method, farms are classified by level of input intensity within each Member State. These levels do not define common borders of extensive and intensive farming at EU level. The thresholds have been set in such a way that the UAA of each Member State is equally divided into the three categories (low, medium, high) for a reference year (here 2010). This enables to show the evolution of farm input intensity over time in a given Member State.

More details about the methodology are available here : Farming intensity (

Halting and reversing biodiversity loss

To contribute to halting and reversing biodiversity loss, enhance ecosystem services and preserve habitats and landscapes.

Increasing farmland bird population

The Farmland Bird Index (FBI) measures changes in farmland bird populations over time. As birds are high up in the food chain, the indicator is often used as a proxy for the state of overall biodiversity linked to agricultural landscapes in Europe, generally in conjunction with other indicators.

In the EU, the index has shown a strong downward trend since the reference year of 2000 (reference value in that year: 100; value in 2020: 76).

The index is based – via several calculation steps - on population counts carried out by a network of volunteer ornithologists and co-ordinated within national schemes. Note that, although farmland bird populations can be strongly affected by agricultural activities, various other factors can also have a significant impact.

Enhancing biodiversity protection

Various types of agricultural grassland habitat in the EU are designated as being of particular Union “interest” under the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC - one of the EU Nature Directives) – essentially because they present outstanding examples of particular characteristics, and/or are small in extent, and/or are under threat.

Tracking the conservation status of these habitats (according to the categories of the Habitats Directive) therefore sheds some light on the interaction between agriculture and biodiversity.

In the EU, in the assessment period ending in 2018, 20% of these grassland habitats were identified as being in “favourable” status, 35% “unfavourable-inadequate”, 43% “unfavourable-bad” and 3% “unknown”.

Note that the habitats thus monitored are not found only in the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, but also outside it.


Enhancing provision of ecosystem services

In accordance with its Nature Directives, the EU has set up a developing network of special areas of conservation known as the Natura 2000 network, which includes territory in all Member States.

As particular efforts at nature conservation are made within this network, information on its extent contributes to an overall understanding of the state of biodiversity in the EU – including in relation to farmland and forest land.

In the EU, in 2021 12% of agricultural area (including natural grassland) and 23% of forest area (including transitional woodland scrub) lay within the network.

Increasing the share of organic farming

Organic farming aims to produce food using natural substances and processes. This means that organic farming tends to have a limited environmental impact as it encourages: responsible use of energy and natural resources; maintenance of biodiversity; preservation of regional ecological balances; enhancement of soil fertility; maintenance of water quality.

Additionally, organic farming rules encourage a high standard of animal welfare and require farmers to meet the specific behavioral needs of animals.

This graphs shows the share of area under organic farming in the total utilized agricultural area (UAA), which comprises both the area fully converted to organic farming and the area under conversion to organic farming

In the EU, organic farming is growing rapidly, which is a direct result of increased consumer interest in organic products. The EU total UAA under organic farming was 9% in 2020, with important differences between Member States.

Attracting young and new farmers

To attract and sustain young farmers and new farmers and facilitate sustainable business development in rural areas.

In the period 2005-2020, the proportion of young farmers in the overall farming population declined in the EU. The trend differs among Member States. On average the share of female young farmers is especially low.

Across the EU there are many differences in the level of training attained by young farm managers. Improving the educational status of farmers and providing access to professional training remains a priority for policies aimed at viable food production and the sustainable use of natural resources.

In the EU, average farm size has increased along with the decline in farm numbers. The average farm managed by an older farmer is significantly smaller in comparison to all other age groups, in terms of both agricultural land and potential production value. The reduction in the number of holdings held by young farmers is offset by an increase in the average farm size.

Promoting growth and equality in rural areas

To promote employment, growth, gender equality, including the participation of women in farming, social inclusion and local development in rural areas, including the circular bio-economy and sustainable forestry.

Contributing to jobs in rural areas

Promoting rural employment is crucial to improve quality of life, including access to services, and to halt depopulation of rural areas. These graphs show data about employed persons aged 20-64 years as a share of the total population of the same age group. This comprises all employees, self-employed and unpaid family workers.

The first graph compares rural and total (meaning rural and other areas) employment rates.

In EU rural areas, the average employment rate increased between 2012 and 2022. However, there is a very diverse situation in the Member States and young people have a higher unemployment rate compared to the general population, also in rural areas.

The second graph compares male and female total employment rates, as specific data for rural areas is not yet fully available for these indicators. There is a gap between male and female employment in all EU Member States, showing that efforts are still needed to achieve gender equality. In addition, it is to be noted that in rural areas, many women have precarious contracts (e.g. seasonal work) or play an ‘invisible role’ in rural societies (e.g. assisting spouses), which may leave them exposed to vulnerable situations (such as no access to social protection or maternity benefits, in some cases). At the same time, women represent a significant driving force for prosperity and social inclusion in rural areas, notably through entrepreneurship. 

Specific data about women employment in rural areas will be available soon.  

Contributing to growth in rural areas

Under the objective of balanced territorial development, the CAP aims to reduce the gap in standard of living between rural and other areas in the EU. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, in purchasing power standard (PPS), can be used to compare the aggregate standard of living between different geographical entities. This graphs shows an index of the relative level of GDP per capita in Member States (in rural regions and in all regions), compared to EU average.

In all EU Member States, the GDP per capita remains lower in rural areas than in other areas.

Distribution of CAP support

This graph shows the breakdown of CAP direct payment beneficiaries by (physical) farm size in each Member State. CAP beneficiaries are divided in two groups: the 20% of farmers who receive the highest level of direct payments (in red) and the remaining 80% (in blue). In a second step, in each group, farms are classified by farm size (based on potentially eligible area for CAP direct payments). 

In the EU, 20% of CAP beneficiaries receive 80% of direct payments, which has raised questions about the fairness of the distribution of direct payments. This ratio essentially mirrors the distribution (and in some Member States the ownership) of land use. Most large beneficiaries are family farms of between 20 and 100 hectares and receive more than EUR 7 500. About half of all beneficiaries are very small farms, with less than 5 hectares.


Reducing poverty in rural areas

Fighting poverty in rural areas is crucial to reduce inequalities compared to other areas, contribute to social inclusion and respect of fundamental rights, and halt depopulation of rural areas. This graph shows the rate of rural poverty (share of population at risk of poverty or social exclusion as defined in the classification of the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA)), compared to the overall poverty rate, at Member State and EU level.

Since 2010, the poverty rates in the EU have been decreasing and the gap between rural and other areas is reducing. However, in some Member States, the poverty rates are still rising.

Increasing rural tourism

Rural tourism reflects the attractiveness of rural areas and is a factor of economic growth and diversification. In recent years in rural areas, the weight of services (e.g. tourism, recreation) increased and marked a structural change in many rural economies, while the share of the industry and construction sector remained constant.

Contributing to food sustainability and health

To improve the response of Union agriculture to societal demands on food and health, including high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way, to reduce food waste, as well as to improve animal welfare and to combat antimicrobial resistance.

Limiting antibiotic use in agriculture

To avoid the development of antimicrobial resistance the reduction of the overall use of antimicrobials for farmed animals and for humans is necessary. In the EU, a continuous reduction in sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents in mg per population correction unit (PCU) is observed. However, there are significant differences between Member States.

Currently, data on sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents are the best proxy for monitoring their use. To improve this, Member States are also required to collect data on the use of antimicrobials in farmed animals since January 2022. 

Fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation

Modernising agriculture and rural areas by fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas, and by encouraging their uptake by farmers, through improved access to research, innovation, knowledge exchange and training .

Increasing cooperation and knowledge sharing

Support to knowledge exchange, training, advice and innovation is key for securing smart and sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural areas. It includes investment in knowledge transfer and information actions, advisory services, farm management and farm relief services, and for cooperation / European Innovation Partnership. The level of support varies among EU Member States, reflecting their specific national context and priorities.

This graph shows the Rural Development money spent for knowledge and innovation as a share of the total expenditures already realised for the 2014-2020 multiannual budget (including national contributions). In 2021, this totaled slighlty more than 2% of actual 2014-2020 expenditure. This is likely to change in the coming years, as Member States still have the possibility to declare Rural Development expenditure until 2025 for this period. 

The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for agricultural productivity and sustainability brings together farmers, researchers, advisers, and other actors in cooperation projects - so called Operational Groups - to advance innovation in the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas. EU Member States issues regular calls for Operational Group projects to address their specific innovation needs along all the CAP objectives. Since 2014, over 2000 innovative projects have been launched across Europe and the number continues to grow. For more information and updates on the EIP and Operational Groups visit 

Improving agricultural training

Knowledge enables farmers to better address economic, environmental and societal challenges. In the EU, most farm managers acquire knowledge via practical experience on the farm. The share of those attaining basic training (any training courses completed at a general agricultural college or a similar institution, or a completed agricultural apprenticeship) and full agricultural training (equivalent to at least two full-time years after compulsory education) albeit increasing, remains relatively low.