Chart to indicator mapping
The analytical factsheets provide an overview of the agricultural sector and rural development at EU and country levels
based on the ten specific objectives and indicators used to measure the performance of the CAP.
This page gives a detailed mapping between the charts present within the analytical factsheets and the CAP indicators.
Specific objective 1
Supporting viable farm income
To support viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector across the Union in order to enhance long-term food security
and agricultural diversity as well as to ensure the economic sustainability of agricultural production in the Union.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Agricultural entrepreneurial income and wages
Non CMEF indicator
Specific objective 2
Increasing competitiveness
To enhance market orientation and increase farm competitiveness both in the short and long term, including greater focus on research, technology and digitalisation.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Cost and revenue structure of income
Non CMEF indicator
Specific objective 3
Strengthening the position of farmers in value chains
To improve the farmers' position in the value chain.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Value added for primary producers in food chain
Specific objective 4
Contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation
To contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and enhancing carbon sequestration, as well as to promote sustainable energy.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Specific objective 5
Protecting natural resources
To foster sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources such as water, soil and air, including by reducing chemical dependency.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Specific objective 6
Halting and reversing biodiversity loss
To contribute to halting and reversing biodiversity loss, enhance ecosystem services and preserve habitats and landscapes.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Conservation status of agricultural habitats
Specific objective 7
Attracting young and new farmers
To attract and sustain young farmers and new farmers and facilitate sustainable business development in rural areas.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Specific objective 8
Promoting growth and equality in rural areas
To promote employment, growth, gender equality, including the participation of women in farming, social inclusion and local development in rural areas,
including the circular bio-economy and sustainable forestry.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Specific objective 9
Contributing to food sustainability and health
To improve the response of Union agriculture to societal demands on food and health, including high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way,
to reduce food waste, as well as to improve animal welfare and to combat antimicrobial resistance.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Specific objective 10
Fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation
Modernising agriculture and rural areas by fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas,
and by encouraging their uptake by farmers, through improved access to research, innovation, knowledge exchange and training.
Indicator code
Indicator name and documentation
Number of EIP operational groups