CAP 2014 - 22
The common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF) establishes a list of indicators to help assessing the performance of the CAP 2014-22 and improve its efficiency.
The achievements over the 2014-22 period are presented thematically at EU and Member State level.
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Thematic Indicators
Jobs and Growth in Rural Areas
GDP, incomes, employment in agriculture and poverty rates in rural areas.
Adding Value
Focus on the value added in agriculture including EU quality schemes and producer organisations.

Indicators describing agricultural productivity, with an emphasis on rural development support.
Environment and Climate Action
Summary of EU expenditures devoted to environment and main land use indicators.
Climate Change and Air Quality
GHG and ammonia emissions from agriculture and CAP measures contribution to climate action.
Water Quality and Availability
Pressures on water (quality and quantity) and CAP contribution to improved water management.
Food and Health Quality Protection
Indicators on plant protection products, antimicrobials and animal welfare.