CAP Indicators
The indicators help measure the Common Agricultural Policy performance. The EU policy provides financial support to farmers in Member States, develops the rural community and helps farmers towards more environmentally sustainable farming.

CAP 2014 - 22
The common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF) establishes a list of indicators to help assessing the performance of the CAP 2014 - 22 and improve its efficiency. The achievements over the 2014 - 22 period are presented thematically at EU and Member State level.

CAP 2023 - 27
The performance monitoring and evaluation framework (PMEF) establishes a list of indicators to help assessing the performance of the CAP 2023 - 27 and improve its efficiency. Member States planned their actions towards 10 CAP specific objectives for 2023 - 27 in their CAP Strategic Plan using these indicators.

Context indicators
Context indicators provide information on the agricultural sector and rural areas as well as general economic and environmental trends. Some of this information drills down to regional level (NUTS 2-3).