Economic results

Analysis of farms’ economic performance based on various yearly data at member states, regions, farming types and economic size levels.

Economic results

The farm accountancy data network (FADN) monitors farms' income and business activities. FADN is the only source of microeconomic data based on harmonised bookkeeping principles. It is based on national surveys and cover only EU agricultural holdings which due to their size can be considered commercial.

The methodology applied aims to provide representative data according to three categories: region, economic size and type of farming. Learn about productivity, profitability, subsidies, economic structure and finances of European farms.

Member States National and regional farm economy focus.
Crop farm types Economic results (productivity, output, labor costs etc.) of farm specialized in crop production.
Livestock farm types Economic results (productivity, output, labor costs etc.) of farm specialized in animal products.
Mixed crop and livestock farms Economic results (productivity, output, labor costs etc.) of farm with mixed production.
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