Data source: 

Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)



EU FADN data is derived from a sample of approximately 80 000 farms, designed to represent EU farming in terms of farm types, regions, and economic size. However, it is not specifically structured to represent organic farms in the EU, which may limit the potential for analysing organic farming trends using FADN data. 

For certain Member States, types of farming or crops and years, data are not available due to too small sample size (less than 15 farms) to disclose results.


FADN data were collected based on the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220. 

Data are available as of 2014 to 2022. 

The accounting year 2022 data of Croatia and Malta are not yet available and data from Romania are considered as preliminary due to further necessary validation in progress. 

It should also be noted that the Standard Output Coefficients of 2017 and Integrated Farm Statistics of 2020 have been used for the most recent accounting years (i.e. 2018 to 2022). 


Data are displayed as averages. 


While the European Commission makes every effort to ensure accuracy and completeness of information, the data are subject to changes as a result of continuous improvement. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. 


For more information on FADN, please refer to the website: 


For more information on the EU organic farming based on FADN data, please refer the brief Organic farming in the EU – a decade of organic growth:

EU Agricultural Economic briefs (


For more information on the EU organic farming based on other data sources:

Organic Production (