Data source:
Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
FADN has become the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) from the reporting year 2025.
The aim of the FADN network is to collect accountancy data from farms to determine agricultural incomes and facilitate business analysis. Farms are selected to participate in the survey based on sampling plans established at the regional level. The survey targets only holdings considered commercial due to their size. The methodology ensures representativity across three dimensions: region, economic size, and type of farming. Currently, the annual sample includes around 80 000 holdings, representing a population of approximately 3.5 million farms in the EU, out of the total 9.1 million farms. This sample covers about 90% of the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) and accounts for roughly 90% of the total agricultural production.
A weighting system is applied to calculate EU-FADN results. This system uses the principle of "free expansion," where an extrapolation factor (weight) is assigned to each farm in the sample. The weight corresponds to the ratio between the number of holdings in the population and the number of holdings in the sample for the same classification cell (region x type of farming x economic size class). Weighted averages are then calculated to represent the broader population while accounting for sampling differences.
Data is available for the period 2018 to 2022.
Results for Romania are not yet available. Additionally, data for Croatia and Malta is unavailable for 2022.
The EU-27 excludes the United Kingdom and Romania, and Croatia and Malta are excluded for 2022.
For certain Member States, farming types, regions, and years, data are unavailable due to small sample sizes (fewer than 15 farms), which prevents result disclosure.
Data are displayed as weighted averages.
While the European Commission makes every effort to ensure accuracy and completeness of information, the data are subject to changes as a result of continuous improvement. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.
SE296 Quantity of N used in mineral fertilisers: Total quantity (weight) of nitrogen in terms of N in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their N content.
SE297 Quantity of P2O5 used in mineral fertilisers: Total quantity (weight) of phosphorus in terms of P2O5 in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their P2O5 content.
SE298 Quantity of K2O used in mineral fertilisers: Total quantity (weight) of potassium in terms of K2O in mineral fertilisers used, estimated on the basis of the quantity of mineral fertilisers and their K2O content.
SE295 Fertiliser cost: Includes all purchased fertilisers and soil improvers (e.g. lime) including compost, peat and manure (excluding manure produced on the holding).
SE281 Total specific costs: Includes crop-specific inputs (seeds and seedlings, fertilisers, crop protection products, other specific crop costs), livestock-specific inputs (feed for grazing stock and granivores, other specific livestock costs) and specific other gainful activity costs.
SE275 Total intermediate consumption: Total specific costs (including inputs produced on the holding) and overheads arising from production in the accounting year. (Specific costs + Overheads (incl. machinery costs)).
SE025 Total Utilised Agricultural Area: It includes land in owner occupation, rented land, land in share-cropping (remuneration linked to output from land made available). It excludes areas used for mushrooms, land rented for less than one year on an occasional basis, woodland and other farm areas (roads, ponds, non-farmed areas, etc.). Additionally, it includes agricultural land temporarily not under cultivation for agricultural reasons or being withdrawn from production as part of agricultural policy measures.
For more information on FADN, please refer to the website: