
Member States' geoportals for IACS spatial data and interactive maps for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) context indicators, provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Explore visualisations of IACS spatial data and livestock farming intensity to gain insights into agricultural data.



A discovery hub to Member States' geoportals for Integrated administration and control system (IACS) spatial data and interactive maps for the CAP context indicators.

Geoportal & Interactive maps

Context Indicator 21: Livestock Units The LSU density map viewer allows to interactively visualise LSU density, a key indicator of livestock farming intensity that facilitates the aggregation of livestock from various species ages, and explore its relationships with other data layers, including environmental and sectoral indicators.
IACS A discovery hub providing links to access the Member States’ geoportals that publish spatial data collected in the context of the Integrated administration and control system (IACS).